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독일의 오래된 계산기 - 형님의 선물


태호 용호 아내 그리고 난

여늬 해와 마찬가지로 청량리 처가에 갔다.

장모님을 여의고 큰 처남(큰형님) 댁으로 가는 일은 변함이 없다.


태호 용호 조카들은 큰 처남께 세배를 드렸다.

세뱃돈을 받은 아이들은 기분이 좋아 한다.

큰 형님 작은 형님은 다른 사람들에게 무엇이든 주고 싶은 성격을 가진 분들이다.

좋은 만년필, 좋은 가방, 좋은 귀한 물건이 있으면

항상 주시기를 좋아한다.


올해는 태호에게 외삼촌으로서

독일에서 선물을 받으셨던 오래된 전자계산기를 주시겠다고 해서

태호는 감사히 받았다.


독일의 Walther라는 회사에서 만든 계산기인데

망가진 것은 아니나

이용하는 법을 잘 몰라서 연구를 해 보아야 그 진가를 알 수 있을 것이다.


마치 타자기 같은 계산기는 초창기 지금의 전자계산기가 나오기 이전에

공학도들이 계산을 하기 위해 개발된 것이 아닌가 생각된다.











서양의 주산(주판)을 선물로 주셨는데

오래된 물건이면서 한국에서는 귀한 물건임에 틀림없다.


서양의 오래된 전자계산기와 주판에 대하여 좀더 연구해 볼 생각이다.



그 보다 더 이전에 독일(유럽)에서도 위와 같은 주판을 사용하였다고 한다.

우리의 나무로 된 오래된 주판과 비슷한데

서양의 주판은 금속(황동 또는 신주)로 되어 있어서 무겁지만 견고하다. 


아래 인용문을 보니 1964년도에 만들어진 더하기 빼기 곱하기 나누기를 할 수 있는 기계식

계산이임을 알게 되었다.


그리고 Walther사는 그로부터  10년 후인 1974년에는 현재 전자계산기와 유사한 제품을

만들어 냈다.





T E C H N I C A L   D A T A  of the Mechanical Calculator WALTHER WSR-160
Serial Number:       215290
Dimensions:   (ca.)  Width   =  11 3/4" /  30 cm
                     Depth   =   6 1/4" /  16 cm
                     Height  =   5 1/2" /  14 cm
Weight:       (ca.)  10 lb  /  4.5 kg
Mechanics:           Pin-Wheel / Sprossenrad
                     10s Carry Mechanism
Functions:           Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
                     Back-Transfer / Rueckuebertragung
Registers:           Input       =  10 Decimals
                     Counter     =   8 Decimals
                     Arithmetic  =  16 Decimals
                     WALTHER Bueromaschinen GmbH
                     Werk Niederstotzingen
                     West Germany
H O W   T O   U S E    the  WALTHER WSR-160
(A) Crank:
For addition (+) the crank is turned clockwise; for subtraction (-) the
crank is turned counter-clockwise. In the idle position the crank is DOWN
& LOCKED. To make one or more turns with the crank, pull out the handle to
unlock. When finished the turn(s), let the handle snap into lock again. The
locked down position only makes other functions (ex. clearing) accessible.
REMARK:      Every started turn has to be finished completely!
             Accidentally started turns are correctible somehow.
(B) Clear Counter & Arithmetic Unit in the Carriage:
Pulling down the BROWN lever RIGHT on the CARRIAGE will clear counter &
arithmetic unit simultaniously - and, when released, let the carriage
jump to the far left position 1 (= Start Position).
EXCEPTIONS:  When the WHITE lever RIGHT on the CARRIAGE FRONT is shifted
             right, only the arithmetic unit is cleared. When this white
             lever is shifted left, only the counter unit is cleared.
REMARK:      When this lever is shifted accidentally wrong, it can be
             released by lifting the little METAL lever in the MIDDLE of
             the CARRIAGE FRONT.
EXCEPTION:   When the little WHITE lever on the right side UNDER the
             CARRIAGE is switched foreward, the carriage will not jump
             (to position 1) after clearing.
REMARK:      At any time the arithmetic unit is pre-settable with the
             affiliated toothed wheels (16 ... 1).
(C) Clear Input Unit:
The input unit will not be cleared automatically after operations. There
is a pair of (white & brown) levers on top: Pulling the WHITE one will
clear the input unit - and will go back when released. Pulling the BROWN
lever clears also the input unit, but prepare it for "Back Transfer"...
REMARK:      If pulled the brown lever accidentally, it can be released
             by pressing the right WHITE key (RIGHT under the crank).
(D) Back Transfer:
Clear the input unit with the brown lever - the white one will move too.
When clearing the arithmetic unit, the former content will be transfered
to the input unit, set the input levers and release the white & brown
clearing levers. This is a useful feature for continuous multiplication!
(E) Shifting the Carriage:
The WHITE key on the right side (LEFT under the crank) let the carriage
jump to position 1 from any actual position.
In pressing an arrow levers (->) or (<-) the carriage will shift one
step right or one step left.
(F) Counting Direction:
After clearing, the white (+/-) lever (on top, left) is in the middle
position. Depending of the first crank turn (clockwise or counter-
clockwise), the (+/-) lever will go either to (+) or (-). In case of (+)
the counter & arithmetic unit are working in the same direction; in case
of (-) both are working opposite.
Example:     123 + 45 - 6  =  162
Clear input, counter and arithmetic units. Carriage in position 1.
ADD: Enter the first number (123) in the far right of the input unit.
Make a positive (clockwise) turn with the crank to transfer the number
into arithmetic unit. The counting unit displays the figure 1. Enter the
second number (45). Make a positive (clockwise) turn with the crank to
add the number. The arithmetic unit displays the intermediate sum (168)
and the counting unit displays the figure 2.
SUBTRACT: Enter the third number (6). Make a negative (counter-clockwise)
turn with the crank. The arithmetic unit displays the result (162) and
the counting unit is decreased by 1.
REMARK:      NEGATIVE RESULTS are displayed in the arithmetic unit
             as the COMPLEMENT of the next higher 10, 100, 1000, ...
             Example:   -12  =  99...9988
Example:     123 x 45  =  5535
Clear input, counter and arithmetic units.
Enter the multiplicand (123) in the far right of the input unit. The
multiplicator (45) has two digits, so the carriage is shifted to position
2 by pressing the arrow (->) lever. Make positive (clockwise) turns with
the crank, until the first figure of the multiplicator (4) will appear in
the 2nd position of the counter unit. Shift the carriage to position 1 by
pressing the arrow (<-) lever. Repeat making positive turns with the crank,
until the second figure of the multiplicator (5) appears in the 1st posi-
tion of the counter unit. The multiplication is done: The multiplicand
(123) stays in the input unit, the multiplicator (45) in the counter and
the result (5535) is in the arithmetic unit.
Example:     22 : 7  =  3.1428571  Remainder 3
Division requires 3 steps:
(A) To Set the Dividend into Arithmetic Unit:
    For the maximum number of decimals, pull out the carriage to the far
    right position. Enter the dividend (22) in the far right of the input
    unit. Make a positive (clockwise) turn with the crank to transfer
    into arithmetic unit.
(B) To Set the Divisor into Input Unit:
    Set the carriage "Jump-Stop" lever. Clear counter unit.
    Enter the divisor (7) above the dividend (22).
(C) To Divide:
    Make negative (counter-clockwise) turns with the crank until the
    arithmetic unit shows an "underflow". Make one positive (clockwise)
    turn with the crank. Move the carriage by pressing the arrow (<-)
    lever to the next position. Repeat this procedure until the required
    number of decimals are calculated...
    The result (3.1428571) is in the counter unit, and the remainder (3)
    is in the arithmetic unit. The divisor (7) stays in the input unit,
    therefore an additional decimal can be estimated...
    ( 4, cause 4 x 7 = 28).
© C.HAMANN         www.tfh-berlin.de/~hamann        impressum       08/22/07

The Pin Wheel Photos are taken from the  » FELIKS-M  ARITHMOMETER «
courtesy of Wolf Bluemich Collection

© C.HAMANN    www.tfh-berlin.de/~hamann   impressum   09/04/07

An Inside View of the   » FELIKS-M  ARITHMOMETER «

The 1st picture shows a state after the 1st  INPUT = 97531  and the 2nd
INPUT = 12345  will touch the ARITHMETIC UNIT.  Count the active pins!
When the 10s-Carry has to happen, the 10s-CARRY-THORN on the left side
of the Figure-Wheels ( beside the »2« ) lift the 10s-CARRY-ACTIVATOR.
When the 10s-CARRY-PIN of the Pin-Wheel passes the lifted 10s-Carry-
Activator, its SLOPE pushes the 10s-Carry-Pin in row to the other pins ...

... with the effect to move the Figure-Wheel one step further. The
SHOULDER of the Pin-Wheel behind the 10s-Carry-Pin pushes back the
10s-Carry-Activator in its idle position - and the RESULT is ...

97531 + 12345 = 109876
© C.HAMANN         www.tfh-berlin.de/~hamann        impressum       09/08/07

The Pin Wheel Photos are taken from the  » FELIKS-M  ARITHMOMETER «
courtesy of Wolf Bluemich Collection

© C.HAMANN    www.tfh-berlin.de/~hamann  
impressum   09/04/07


The German WALTHER company was famous for manufacturing weapons. In 1926
the company started a civil branch to produce calculators based on the
MERCEDES MELITTA licence purchased from another German company. WALTHER
in Zella-Mehlis became very successful and a competitor of BRUNSVIGA in
Braunschweig. After WW-II WALTHER-Bueromaschinen moved from Zella-Mehlis
to Niederstotzingen / West-Germany and continued their success to 1970s.






TECHNICAL DATA       of the  Electro-Mechanical Printing-Calculator
Model:               COMPTESS                                 11/12
Serial Number:       2006677 / 5571813
Dimensions:   (ca.)  Width   =   8 1/2 " /  22 cm
                     Depth   =  14     " /  36 cm
                     Height  =   5 1/2 " /  14 cm
Weight:       (ca.)  14 lb  /  6.5 kg
Power Supply:        110 / 220 V AC ;  50 W
Mechanics:           10-Block-Keyboard
                     Black/RED Nylon Ribbon (= Typewriter):
                     1/2" * 16'  /  13 mm * 5 m
                     ( Spool-Diameter = 1 1/2"  /  40 mm )
                     Paper Roll (Standard):
                     2 1/4" * 2 3/4" * 165'  (W * D * L)
                     57 mm  * 65 mm  * 50 m  (B * D * L)
Functions:           Add, Subtract,
                     NonAdd, Repeat, Subtotal, Total
                     Negative Numbers & Results are printed in RED!
Registers:           Input       =   11 Decimals
                     Arithmetic  =   12 Decimals
                     Printing    =   13 Characters
                     WALTHER Bueromaschinen GmbH
                     Werk Gerstetten
                     West Germany
H O W   T O   U S E    the  WALTHER  »COMPTESS«
The actual number of digits entered shows on the window above the
keyboard. If wrong digits are entered, press the red key [C] to
clear the keyboard.
ADDITION & Subtraction:
Everytime a number is entered and the keys [+] or [-] are pressed,
the number is printed and added/subtracted to/from the memory.
To enter the same number more than once, press & pull the key [R]
before the keys [+] or [-] are pressed. The keyboard will not be
cleared after printing & calculating cycle. To release the [R] key:
Press & push it before the next cycle.
Enter the item number and press the key [#]. This item number is
printed, but it is not part of the addition/subtraction cycle. 
The cumulated sum will be printed when the key [◊] is pressed.
The memory will hold the actual sum.
The total sum will be printed when the key [*] is pressed.
The memory will be cleared.
Pull the holder clips on both ends and lift the paper roll.
Open the cover and observe how the ribbon is spooled!
is easy: Open the cover - All fonts are accessible!
PRINTOUT - Example          with Comments:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   To clear memory:
|                  *  |   Press [*=Total]
|                     |
|                     |                 < Max.Input = 11 decimals > 
|   987.654.321,09    |   Enter (1st) number, Press [+]
|   876.543.210,98    |   Enter (2nd) number, Press [+]
| 1.864.197.532,07 ◊  |   Press [◊=Subtotal] to print sum
|                     |
|             1,23 -  |   Enter (neg.)number, Press [-]    [in RED]
| 1.864.197.530,84 ◊  |   Press [◊] to print cumulated sum [in RED]
|                     |
|             4,56    |   Set [R=Repeat], Enter number, Press [+]
|             4,56    |   Release [R], Press [+] 
| 1.864.197.539,96 *  |   Press [*] to print total sum 
|                     |                < Max.Output = 12 decimals >
|                     |
|                  *  |   Press [*], Memory is clear
|                     |
|               47 #  |   Enter ID #47, Press [#=NonAdd]
|         6.789,00    |   Enter value, Press [+]
|               11 #  |   Enter ID #11, Press [#]
|         5.432,00    |   Enter value, Press [+]
|        12.221,00 *  |   Press [*] to print total sum of values
|                     |   
|                  *  |   Memory is clear
|                     |
|            12,00    |   Enter number
|            24,00 -  |   Enter (larger negative) number   [in RED]
|            12,00 *  |   Negative sum                     [in RED]
|                     |   
© C.HAMANN       www.tfh-berlin.de/~hamann      impressum     02/18/07
세상을 바꾼 '101가지 발명품'?
[서울파이낸스] 2007년 11월 05일(월) 오후 12:52   가| 이메일| 프린트
英紙, 주판, 불(火)누르고 1위 '영예'
[서울파이낸스 김보경 기자]ich-habe@seoulfn.com
중국 한나라 때 처음 사용된 것으로 알려진 '주판'이 '불'(火)을 제치고 '세상을 바꾼 101가지 발명품'중
최고자리(1위)를 차지했다.

영국 일간 인디펜던트지는 5일(현지시간) `세상을 바꾼 101가지 발명품'을 소개하면서
서기 190년 한(漢)왕조때 문서에 최초의 사용 기록이 남은 고전적인 계산 도구이지만
지금도 전자계산기보다 빠른 속도의 연산이 가능한 주판을 최고의 발명품으로 선정 발표했다. 
가장 오래된 발명품인 '불'은 31위로 밀려났다. 신문은 "불은 물과 공기처럼 늘 그 자리에 있었으면서도
기원 전 59만년전 인류가 이를 통제하는 방법을 발명한 뒤에야 비로소 문명의 발달에 일조했다"고
그 이유를 설명했다.

2위는 `유레카 일화'로 유명한 고대 그리스의 수학자 아르키메데스가 발명한 '나선식펌프'가 차지했다.
균열이 생긴 선박의 밑바닥에 고이는 물을 퍼내기 위해 만들어진 이 펌프는 기원전 7세기
`세계 7대 불가사의'였던 바빌로니아 공중 정원에 물을 끌어올리는 데 쓰였으며, 오늘날에도
몇몇 하수처리 및 관개 시설에서 사용되고 있다.
또, 최신(最新) 발명품에는 2001년 미 애플사가 출시한 MP3 플레이어 '아이팟'(41위)이 선정됐다.

1235년 처음 사용된 단추(13위)나 1770년의 발명품 지우개(28위)처럼 사소한 물건들이 현대인의
필수품이라 할 수 있는 휴대전화(54위)와 개인용컴퓨터(60위) 등 `문명의 이기'보다 윗자리에 랭크됐다.

한편, 디지털카메라, 디지털 TV 녹화장치, 전자시계 등 `디지털 3총사'는 나란히 22∼24위를 차지했다. 
또,  브래지어와 전기면도기도 각각 여성과 남성을 대표해 12위, 27위에 각각 이름을 올렸다. 
원치 않는 임신을 피하기 위해 남성과 여성이 함께 필요로 하는 피임도구인 콘돔 역시 브래지어와
전기 면도기 사이인 20위를 차지했다. 

김보경 기자 <빠르고 깊이 있는 금융경제뉴스>

오래된 나무로 된 주산


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