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El Condor Pasa

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail.


Yes I would If I could I surely would.


Away I rather sail away, like a swan that's here and gone


A men gets tied up to the ground he gives the world

it's saddest sound it's saddest sound.


I'd rather be a hammer than a nail


Yes I would if I could I surely would


Away I rather sail away, like a swan that's here and gone


A men gets tied up to the ground he gives the world

it's saddest sound it's saddest sound.


I'd rather be a forest than a street


Yes I would if I could I surely would


Away I rather sail away, like a swan that's here and gone


A men gets tied up to the ground he gives the world

it's saddest sound it's saddest sound.


I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet


Yes I would if I only could I surely would






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