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POWER Z - 자동차 연료절감장치


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포장에 있는 그림과 같이 점화플러그에 장착하면 됨














What is Power Z ?

Power z is a valve system that is and additional part of a car's engine that sucks in air.

Why is it necessary to add another valve into the engine of a completed car?

All the cars engines are manufactured so that the ratio between the fuel and the air is : fuel 1 to air 14.7.

The reason is that the idle is matched whether the car is moving or stopped.

When the car is moving the ideal air and fuel ratio must be more then 1:16 so that the combustion efficiency gets better, the sound of the engine gets softer.



And, there is an increase in the expected life span of the motor, a decrease in sooty smoke, lower fuel costs, and the reaction of the engine seems faster.



If so, must the engine be taken apart to install the power z ?

The answer is no.

Just remove the spark plug and insert the power z where the spark plug screw is and then put the spark plug back on. Its very simple.

The air enters through the part of the spiral spark plug.







How can the dust be omitted?

Power z is a check valve system, therefore, the dust can not enter the spark plug spiral area and the high temperature burns up the dust.

Power z Valve System is combined with the engine piston movement, so during the piston suction the air passage is opened and absorbed, compression and ventilation is closed, so there is no leakage whether there is compression or ventilation.



Power z is semi-permanent.

Power z does not cause engine damage or failure.

Power z is a product of combustion technology theory,

This advanced technology is used so the ratio between the air and the fuel is automatically set,

Once the power z is installed and the engine started, the sound of the engine becomes softer, and a 4-cylinder engine seems like a 6-cylineder engine,

When the car is stopped and the accelerator pedal is pressed, the reaction of the engine is must faster and softer than before power z was installed.

The reason behind this kind of engines reaction is that when the radio of fuel to air is at the optimum condition, one can realize it is in the best condition.

When power z is installed, you can save fuel costs while travelling.

In addition, the environment gets a big help from the reduction of sooty exhaust fumes.

People who want power-driving can get a feeling of driving a sports car from an ordinary passenger car.


Secondary air supplement system

These rings are designed for car emission problems, higher engine power, and minimum loss of gasoline. Plus, POWER Z is perfect itself-Do not need repairing.


Power z Stand in a theory

Naturalized sir inhaler which is secondary air supplement system for car-POWER Z-

At any times, when installing this rings on car, rating of mixing points(gas/air) are always suitable. it means gas can be fully exhausted, so engine gains higher power in the same situation before installing POWER Z. And also CO, HC, Nox  is mist be decreased excessively.



Already tested and shown that non-default product.

Which work for saving gas and emission-free. So we can use this PURPRISE RINGS sensibly to deal with emission problems and cars capacity.



Do not change any part of original engine parts.

And install essily. Do not need any repair also.



 Emissionfree                               POP engine power up

 Better fuel mileage                       Reduce engine noise

 Excellent acceleration                  Hit the road smooth

 Stable drive                                 Safe & non-default


All about POWER Z is simple. Just for your car and clean air.

Use your sense desirably.



TESTED (Set up power z)

California gas mode(U.S.A)


                                                                                FOR CAR EMISSION PROBLEMS.

Korea institute of Automibile Research

HC 50%, NOx 40%, CO 59% REDUCED                     AS YOU KNOW, NOx CAN CAUSE

-100/Km standard speed                                         SERIOUS PROBLEMS

                                                                                AND YOU NEED HIGH-POWER CAR.

Korea institute of energy Research                          JUST USE YOUR SENSE DESIRABLY.

HC 6.3%, Nox 58.3%, REDUCED mode HWFET.


Germany Autobile GMBH

HC 25.5% NOx 56.2% CO 20% REDUCED